0416 265 836
Happy Wife Awesome Life!
happy health wealth naturally

About us
Happy Wife Awesome Life is about being the best person you can be - and you don't even have to be a wife!!! This time a year ago, I would have told you that Essential Oils are a heap of hippy rubbish. My introduction to DoTERRA Essential Oils was when I was photographing for a leadership magazine in the States. This lady was talking about these oils, and to say I was fascinated ( and cynical!) by the properties she mentioned is an understatement. Not long after and co-incidentally, I had a personal experience with the digestive blend and the rest, they say, is history. I fought the business opportunity for a long time, though my heart is stuck on sharing these magnificent products, so here we are.
100% certified pure
therapeutic grade
This means Ethically and Sustainably sourced and extremely rigorous testing (ELEVEN of them!). EVERY SINGLE BATCH from plants to production. Oils are independently third party tested when they leave the lab. This guarantees and creates trust around Purity and Potency. All dōTERRA Essential Oils are beyond Organic, so are free of any type of herbicides or pesticides (including those allowed by governments in some countries in classified Organic farms).

Co-impact sourcing
DoTERRA means Gifts of the Earth. Not only are DoTERRA oils the purest in the world, they are the most ethically sourced. Rather than purpose grow crops, DoTERRA sources plants from 40 countries all over the world. Oil efficacy from the indigenously grown plant is much greater than that of purpose grown plants.
Co-impact sourcing means that the local farmers benefit from DoTERRA purchasing their crops. Many of the countries supplying crops are developing.
What's even more exciting is that Melaleuca (Tea Tree) and Eucalyptus are sourced from Australia, and Douglas Fir from New Zealand!

AromaTouch Technique
The AromaTouch Technique is a simple yet powerful way to provide every individual with an essential oil experience. Each essential oil in the AromaTouch Technique was selected for its individual aromatic properties, and for their powerful aromatic properties when combined.
The AromaTouch Technique uses specific guidelines and instructions for both dosage and application that make it a safe and effective way to receive the full benefits of essential oils. The AromaTouch Technique is gentle and can be adapted to accommodate young or sensitive skin so that anyone can benefit without the worry of overwhelming the body.
Great for stress management, immune support, homeostasis, calm & serenity
Suzanne McCorkell is Certified in the Aroma Touch Technique